Residential Service

Snake River Rubbish residential trash pickup containers rolling cart and 300 gallon container

Residential Service Starting at $21.75/month

Snake River Rubbish is the premier service provider for garbage collection services for homes in Elmore, Owyhee and Gooding Counties. Locally owned, with a commitment to the highest customer service, we strive to be the best. Give us a call to sign up.

Frequently Asked Questions for Residential Service

Your garbage must be at the curb by 5:30 a.m. on your collection day. If possible, your container should be at street level.

Keep your garbage container five feet away from all obstacles such as parked cars, mailboxes, telephone connection boxes, water meters, fences, and walls. If you place your container under a tree limb or power line, make sure there is 14 feet of space between the curb and the tree limb or power line.

Yes. Please bag all garbage before putting it in your container. This will help prevent it from blowing away and littering the streets.

Your garbage must fit easily in your container. The lid of your container must be fully closed to prevent litter.

Special Handling of Waste Materials

To prevent litter and to ensure our workers’ safety, some items need to be double-bagged or boxed before being placed in your container.

Animal Waste / Kitty LitterSeal in double bag
AshesNot Permitted
Blood-Contaminated Products (needles, syringes, medical waste)For instructions, visit
Food WasteSeal in plastic bag
Glass, Mirrors, Window PanesWrap in cardboard or several layers of newspaper. Mark package clearly as "GLASS"
Sawdust, Vacuum Cleaner Dust, Styrofoam Packing PeanutsSeal in plastic Bag
BatteriesAutomotive, Lithium and rechargeable batteries of any kind are not permitted in trash containers. For instructions on how to recycle batteries please visit